AIES Events

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AIES Health Economics Webinar Series

27 September 2024, 12:30 AM – 1:30 PM

“Employer Quality and Skilled Workers’ Mobility: Evidence from English NHS Hospital Doctors’ Location Choices?”

Abstract: Attracting and retaining skilled workers is one of the keys for organizational success. But what are the pull factors that drive skilled workers’ transitions across employers (i.e. skilled-workers’ mobility) within the same industry?  And how do skilled workers trade off the value attached to these factors with the cost of moving? We build a unique dataset by linking high-quality administrative data sources and exploit the institutional framework of the second largest single-payer healthcare system in the world, the English National Health Service (NHS), to investigate such questions.

SPEAKER: Giuseppe Moscelli, School of Economics, University of Surrey

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Ecologist giving presentation at conference

Riunione Intermedia AIES

Rome June 11th, 2024

“How Genome and Exposome Data Can Open New Frontiers for Health economics and Health Policy”

Questo workshop si propone di introdurre i concetti di genoma, epigenoma ed esposoma e le loro implicazioni per le politiche sanitarie sostenibili. Saranno esaminati anche approcci quantitativi per studiare le relazioni tra fattori ambientali, comportamentali e outcome sanitari, al fine di supportare i decisori politici nell’implementazione di interventi basati su evidenze per migliorare la salute della popolazione.

La partecipazione al workshop è gratuita previsa iscrizione entro il 31 maggio 2024. Gli interventi saranno in italiano mentre il materiale presentato sarà in inglese.

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AIES Health Economics Webinar Series

6th June 2024, 12:30 PM

“Emergency readmissions: is 30-day the optimal time interval to capture hospital quality of care?”

SPEAKER: Adriana Castelli, Centre for Health Economics, University of York

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AIES Health Economics Webinar Series

11 April 2024, 12:30 AM – 1:30 PM

“Towards greener hospitals: The effect of green organisational practices on climate change mitigation performance”

Invited speaker: Gianluca Veronesi, University of Bristol